Anolis related
list: 3 april 2006 – Author: Y. Horstink
Copies can be made in case if someone can exchange literature. There is no commercial purpose of this list. The list represents a database of my own literature, and may be helpful to any that need information concerning the caribbean herpetofauna.
__________, 19XX. Distribution
of Malaria in Anolis Lizards of the Luquillo Forest, Puerto Rico:
Implications for the Host Community Ecology 1.
19XX. Anoline Lizards.
Adolph, S.
C., 1991. Some Natural history Observations on Anolis
cupreus in Costa Rica: Thermal Ecology, Structural Habitat, and a
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Newsletter IV. Washington University,
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the Museum of Comparative Zoölogy 47
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1925. A new Cuban Anolis. Boston Society of Natural History 5:
Barbour, T.,
1929. Another new Cuban Anolis. Boston Society of Natural
History 11: 37-38.
Bartlett, R.
D., & Bartlett, P. 1997. Anoles, basilisks and water dragons
- a complete pet care manual. Barron's, Hauppage.
Bauerfeind, S., 2002. Aspekte der Aut- und
Populationsökologie eines Inselendemiten: Norops bicaorum (Reptilia:
Iguanidae). Diplomaterbeit im Fachbereich Bio- und Geowissenschaften und
Landschaftsarchitektur, Abt. Zoologie. 2-103.
Beest, P. v., 2000. Anolis distichus dominicensis. Onder het Palmblad 3(5):
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interessante groepen terrariumdieren: Anolissen. Deel II. Lacerta 61(4):
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interessante groepen terrariumdieren: Anolissen. Deel III (Slot). Lacerta 61(5):
Beest, P. v. & Hartman, M., 2003. De eerste kweek van Norops
bicaorum - KÖHLER 1996. Lacerta 61 (1): 3-9.
Berghe, G. v., 1984. Mijn ervaringen met Anolis equestris,
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Bull. Ned. Stud. Anol. 7:
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in het terrarium. Onder het Palmblad 9(1): 18-20.
Blok, J., 19XX. Verslag over gedrag en voortplanting van Anolis
bimaculatus sabanus in het terrarium. Lacerta 30(1):
Bowersox, S. R.,
Calderón, S, Powell, R., & Parmerlee, J. S., 1994. Nahrung eines
Riesenanolis, Anolis barahonae, von Hispaniola, mit einer
Zusammenfassung des Nahrungsspektrums westindischer Riesenanolis-arten.
Salamandra 30(2): 155-160.
Breuil, M.,
2002. Historie naturelle des Amphibiens et Reptiles
terrestres de l’archipel Guadeloupéen, Guadeloupe, Saint-Martin,
Saint-Barthélemy. Publications Scientifiques du Muséum National d’Histoire
Naturelle, Paris.
Brown, P.
R., & Echternacht A. C., 1991. Interspecific Behavioral
Interaction of Adult Male Anolis sagrei and grey-throuted Anolis
carolinensis (Sauria: Iguanidae): a
Premiminary Field Study. In: Losos, J. B., & Mayer, G. C.,. 1991. Anolis
Newsletter IV. Washington University,
Bröker, K.,
2000. Tweeluik Curacao. Onder het Palmblad 3(2): 6-7.
Burnell, K.
L. & Hedges, S. B., 1990. Relationships of West Indian Anolis
(Sauria: Iguanidae): an approach using slow-evolving protein loci.
Caribbean Journal of Science 26(1-2): 7-30.
Butler, M.
A., & Losos, J. B., 1997. Testing for unequal amounts
of evolution in a continuous character on differant branches of a phylogenetic
tree using linear and squared-change parsimony: an example using Lesser
Antillian Anolis lizards. Evolution 51(5): 1623-1635.
Butler, M.
A., 1999. Sexual Variation and Adaptive Patterns. In: Losos, J.
B., & Leal, M. 1999. Anolis Newsletter V. Washington
University, 9-11.
Buurt, G.
v., 2000. De Anolis van Saba, Anolis sabanus. Onder het Palmblad 3(3): 28-28.
Buurt, G. v., 2001. Anolis bonairensis en de historie
van de Caribische eilanden. Onder het Palmblad 3(6):
Buurt, G.
v., 2005. Field Guide to the Amphibians and Reptiles of Aruba,
Curacao and Bonaire. Edition Chimaira, Frankfurt am Main. 137 pp.
Calsbeek, R.,
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Nature 426: 552-555.
Campbell, H.
W., 1971. Observations on the Thermal Activity of some Tropical
Lizards of the Genus Anolis (Iguanidae). Caribbean Journal of Science 11(1-2):
T., 1999. Consequences of the Cuban Brwon Anole Invasion in
Florida: It’s Not Easy Being Green. In: Losos, J. B., & Leal, M. 1999. Anolis
Newsletter V. Washington University,
Cardozo, M. L., 2001. Het nevelwoud van Martinique. Onder
het Palmblad 3(6): 22-27.
Carey, W.
M., 1972. The Herpetology of Anegada, British Virgin Islands.
Caribbean Journal of Science 12(1-2): 79-89.
Cast, E. E.,
Gifford, M. E., Schneider, K. R., Hardwick, A. J., Parmerlee J. S., &
Powell, R., 2000. Natural histroy of an Anoline lizard
community in the Sierra de Baoruco, Dominican Republic. Caribbean Journal of
Science 36(4): 258-266.
D. R., & R. M. Andrews, 1999. Predation on lizard eggs by
ants: species interactions in a variable physical environment. Oecologia 119:
Clark JR.,
D. R., 1973. Temperature Responce of three Costa Rican
Lizards (Anolis). Caribbean Journal of Science 13(3-4): 199-206.
Cochran, D. M,
1941. The Herpetology of Hispaniola. Bull. U. S. Natl. Mus. 3(5):
‘Cochran, D.
M., 2005.’ Historical Perspective – The Herpetology of
Hispaniola. Iguana 12(4): 263-268.
Cope, E. D.,
1861. Notes and Discription of ANOLES. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia 13:
Crother, B.
I., 1999. Caribbean Amphibians and Reptiles. Academic Press,
San Diego.
G. G., 1980. Comments on the Densityand Diet of a Giant
Anole, Anolis equestris. Journal of Herpetology 14(4): 412-415.
Dyer, W. G.,
Bunkley-Williams, L., & Wiliams, Jr. E. H., 2001. Some
Helminth Parasites of Anolis stratulus and Anolis cristatellus (Sauria:
Polychrotidae) in Puerto Rico. Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of
Science 94(3): 161-165.
De Massary,
J. C., 1999. Hagedissen
en bosversnippering in Frans-Guyana. Lacerta 57(3): 97-105.
Dial, R.,
& Roughgarden, J., 1994. Notes on the Absolute Abundance of
Canopy Anoles, Anolis cuvieri, A. stratulus and A. evermanni
(Lacertilia: Polychrotidae) in the Luquillo Forest, Puerto Rico. Caribbean
Journal of Science 30(3-4): 278-279.
Diaz, L. M.,
Estrada, A. R., & Moreno, L .V., 1996. A New
Species of Anolis (Sauria: Iguanidae) from the Sierra de Trinidad,
Sancti Spiritus, Cuba. Caribbean Journal of Science 32(1): 54-58.
Dijk, W. v.
& Dijk, P. v., 1982. Determinatie artikel: 01, Anolis roquet. Bull. Ned. Stud. Anol. 1:
Dijk, W. v. & Dijk, P. v., 1984. Determinatie artikel:
04, Anolis bimaculatus bimaculatus en Anolis bimaculatus leachi.
Bull. Ned. Stud. Anol. 4: 2-12.
Dijk, W. v. & Dijk, P. v., 1985. Determinatie artikel:
08, Anolis griseus & Anolis
richardi. Bull. Ned. Stud. Anol. 8: 2-16.
Dijk, W. v. & Dijk, P. v., 1986. Determinatie artikel:
5.1, Anolis marmoratus ferreus. Bull. Ned.
Stud. Anol. 5: 18-28.
R., 1968. The Lizards of Venezuela (Check List and Key).
Caribbean Journal of Science 8(3-4): 105-122.
Douglas, L.
A., 1980. Geographis
Variation in Anolis brevirostris (Sauria: Iguanidae) in Hispaniola.
Breviora 461: 1-31.
A. C., 1999. Possible Causes for the Rapid Decline in
Population Density of Green Anoles, Anolis carolinensis (Sauria:
Polychrotidae) Following Invasion by the Brown Anole, Anolis sagrei, in
the Southeastern United States. In: Losos, J. B., & Leal, M. 1999. Anolis
Newsletter V. Washington University,
Estrada, A.
R., 1998. Book Review: Contributions to West Indian Herpetology
– A Tribute to Albert Schwartz. Caribbean Journal of Science 34(1-2):
1998. Anfibios y Reptiles Encontrados Durante 1988 y 1989 en
Cayo Paredón Grande, Archipiélago de Sabana-Camagüey, Cuba. Caribbean Journal of
Science 34(1-2): 106-112.
2002. Data on clutch of Anolis evermani (Sauria:
Iguanidae) from Puerto Rico. Solenodon 2: 53-54.
2004. Book Review: Barbour, T., & Ramsden, C., 2003.
Reprint of original 1919. The Herpetology of Cuba. Caribbean Journal of Science
40(1): 158 – 158.
Estrada, A.
R., & Garrido, O. H., 1991. Dos Nuevas Especies de Anolis
(Lacertilia: Iguanidae) de la Region Oriental de Cuba. Caribbean Journal of
Science 27(3-4): 146-161.
Estrada, A.
R., & Hedges, S. B., 1995. A New Species of Anolis
(Sauria: Iguanidae) from Eastern Cuba. Caribbean Journal of Science 31(1-2):
J., 1983. Determinatie artikel: 03, Anolis marmoratus. Bull. Ned. Stud. Anol. 3:
Fläschendräger, A., 1988. Anolis bartschi (Cochran, 1928) – Bemerkungen zu
haltung Verhalten und Nachtzucht. Herpetofauna 10(55): 26-29.
__________, 1992. Zur Kenntnis des mittelamerikanischen Wasseranolis – Anolis
oxylophus Cope, 1875. Herpetofauna 14(77): 27-32.
__________, 1998. Beobachtungen an drei Grasanolis-Arten im Biotop
sowie Bemerkungen zu Haltung und Fortpflantzung im Terrarium. Herpetofauna 20(113):
2001. Was sind Anolis und wo leben sie? Reptilia 6(1):
2001. Anolis blanquillanus und Anolis
onca: Zwei interessante Saumfinger von den Inseln vor Venezuela. Reptilia 6(1):
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In Erinnerung an Leo C.M. Wijffels (1931-2000). Reptilia 6(1):
2002. Beobachtungen an Anolis-Arten in der Cordillera
de Guaniguanico, Provinz Pinar del Río, West-Kuba. Herpetofauna 24(138):
A., & Wijffels, L. C. M., 1996. Anolis - In Biotop und Terrarium. Natur und Tier - Verlag,
L. J., 1991. Design Features of the Displays of Anoline
Lizards In: Losos, J. B., & Mayer, G. C.,. 1991. Anolis Newsletter
IV. Washington University, 33-48.
L. J., & Persons, M., 2001. The Influence of Stimulus and
Background Colors on Signal Visibility in the Lizard Anolis cristatellus.
Journal of Experimental Biology 204: 1559-1575.
Fobes, T.
M., Powell, R., Parmerlee Jr., J. S., Lathrop, A., & Smith, D. D., 1992. Natural
History of Anolis cybotes (Sauria: Polychrotidae) from an Altered
Habitat in Barahona, Dominican Republic. Caribbean Journal of Science 28(3-4):
Franz, R.,
Dodd, Jr., K., & Buden, D. W., 1993. Distributional
Records of Amphibians and Reptiles from the Exuma Islands, Bahamas, Including the
First Reports of a Freshwater Turtle and an Introduced Gecko. Caribbean Journal
of Science, 29(3-4): 165-173.
Fulton, M.,
1965. The Bacterium Aeromonas hydrophyla from Lizards
of the Genus Anolis in Puerto Rico. Caribbean Journal of Science 5(3-4):
Garcia, R.,
Queral, A., Powell, R., Parmerlee, J. S., Smith, D. D., & Lathrop, A.,
1994. Evidence of Hybridization among Green Anoles
(Lacertilia: Polychrotidae) from Hispaniola. Caribbean Journal of Science 30(3-4):
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Complex (Sauria, Iguanidae). Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 85(45): 509-522.
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H., 1975. Nuevos Reptiles del Archipiélago Cubano. Poeyana 141:
Garrido, O.
H., 1975. Distribución y Variación de Anolis argillaceus Cope
(Lacertilia: Iguanidae) en Cuba. Poeyana 142: 1-27.
Garrido, O.
H., 1975. Distribución y Variatión del Complejo Anolis
cyanopleurus (Lacertilia: Iguanidae) en Cuba. Poeyana 143: 1-60.
Garrido, O.
H., 1975. Variatión de Anolis angusticeps Hallowell (Lacertilia:
Iguanidae) en el Occidente de Cuba y en Isla de Pinos. Poeyana 144:
Garrido, O.
H., 1991. Conducta de Enfrentamiento, Cortejo y Cópula en Tres
Especies de Anolinos Cubanos (Sauria: Iguandiae). Caribbean Journal of Science 27(3-4):
Garrido, O.
H., Pérez-Beato, O., & Moreno, L. V., 1991. Nueva
especie de Chamaeleolis (Lacertilia: Iguanidae) para Cuba. Caribbean
Journal of Science 27(3-4): 162-168.
Garrido, O.
H., & Hedges, S. B., 1992. Three New Grass Anoles from
Cuba (Squamata: Iguanidae). Caribbean Journal of Science 28(1-2): 21-29.
2000. Elevation of Anolis vandicus rejectus Garrido
and Schwartz (Sauria: Iguanidae) to species status and designation of Anolis
mimus Schwarzt and Thomas as a synonym. Caribbean Journal of Science 36
(1-2): 160-161.
Garrido, O.
H., Moreno, L. V., & Estrada, A. R., 2001. Subespecies
nuevas de reptiles del complejo Anolis equestris (Lacertilia: Iguanidae)
para los cayos Las Brujas, Coco y Sabinal, Archipiélago de Sabana-Camagüey, Cuba.
Solenodon 1: 55-56.
Gerber, G.
P., 1991. Anolis sagrei and Anolis
carolinensis In Florida: evidence for interspecific interactions. In:
Losos, J. B., & Mayer, G. C.,. 1991. Anolis Newsletter IV.
Washington University, 49-53.
Gerber, G.
P., 1999. A Review of Intraguild Predation and Canibalism in Anolis.
In: Losos, J. B., Leal, M. 1999. Anolis Newsletter V. Washington
University, 28-39.
Germano, J.
M., Sander, J. M., Henderson, R. W., & Powell, R. 2003. Herpetofaunal
Communities in Grenada: A Comparison of Altered Sites, with an Annotated
Checklist of Grenadian Amphibians and Reptiles. Caribbean Journal of Science 39(1):
Glor, R. E.,
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effects of Agriculture and Hurricane Related Disturbance on Anole Communities.
In: Losos, J. B., & Leal, M. 1999. Anolis Newsletter V. Washington
University, 40-43.
Glor, R. E.,
Vitt, L. J., & Larson, A., 2001. A molecular phylogenetic analysis of
diversification in Amazonian Anolis lizards. Molecular Ecology 10:
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Gifford, M. E., Larson, A., Losos, J. B., Rodríguez Schettino, L., Chamizo
Lara, A. R., et al., 2004. Partial island submergence and speciation in an
adaptive radiation: a multilocus analysis of the Cuban green anoles. Proc. R.
Soc. Lond. 271: 2257-2265.
Glor, R. E.,
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Cuba: Over-water Dispersal and Diversification in Green Anoles (Anolis
carolinensis Subgroup). Not yet excepted.
Goldberg, S.
R., Bursey, C. R., & Tawil, R., 1994. Helminth
Parasites of the Bark Anole, Anolis distichus and the Brown Anole, Anolis
sagrei (Polychrotidae) from Florida and the Bahamas. Caribbean Journal of
Science 30(3-4): 275-277.
Goldberg, S.
R., Bursey, C. R., & Cream, H., 1995. Helminth Parasites
of Thee Sympatric Lizards from Grand Cayman Island, Anolis conspersus,
Anolis sagrei (Polychrotidae) and Leiocephalus carinatus
(Tropiduridae). Caribbean Journal of Science 31(3-4): 339-340.
1996. Gastrointestinal Helminths of Six Anole Species, Anolis
armouri, A. barahonae, A. bahorucoensis, A. brevirostris, A. chlorocyanus and A. coelestinus (Polychrotidae) from
Hispaniola. Caribbean Journal of Science 32(1): 112-115.
Goldberg, S.
R., Bursey, C. R., & Ajimine, L. N., 1996. Gastrointestinal
Helminths of Anolis bimaculatus (Polychrotidae) from the Lesser
Antilles. Caribbean Journal of Science 32(2): 244-247.
Gorman, G.
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2002. Discovery of Anolis sagrei in Grenada with the
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38(3-4): 270-272.
Gutman, A.
J., 2003. Book Review: Hodge, K., D., Censky, E. J., &
Powell, R., 2003. The Reptiles and Amphibians of Anguilla, British West Indies.
Iguana 10(3): 93-93.
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G., 1885-1902. Biologia, Centrali-Americana – Reptilia and Batrachia. Biol.
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2002. Evolutionary Approaches for Studying Functional
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evolutionary radiations in mainland and Caribbean Anolis lizards.
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Irschik, D.
J., & Losos, J. B., 1998. A comparative analysis of the
ecological significance of maximal locomotor performance in Caribbean Anolis
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1999. Do Lizards Avoid Habitats in Which Performance Is
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Irschik, D. J.,
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Morphology, Habitat Use, Behavior, and Sprinting Capacity in Two West Indian Anolis
Lizards. Journal of Herpetology 34(3): 444-451.
Jackman, T.
R., Larson, A., Queiroz, K. d., & Losos, J. B., 1999. Phylogenetic
Relationships and Tempo of Early Diversification in Anolis Lizards. Syst. Biol. 48(2): 254-285.
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